Sunday, January 17, 2021

Vehicle assembly manufacturing talk next week

A friendly reminder  to everyone that we will be hosting Dr. Herman Tang next week for a talk about Vehicle Assembly Manufacturing - Operations, Management and Development, on Monday, January 25, 6:00 PM.  Please register your attendance at the following link:

We have many exciting talks coming up so we hope to see you at this one!

Thursday, January 7, 2021

January newsletter, with Vehicle Assembly technical meeting announcement

Happy new year to our membership and all.

Below is a link to the January 2021 newsletter, which includes the registration link for the January 25 tech meeting:

The pandemic restrictions has had the unexpected effect of really opening up our selection of available speakers, as we now do things virtually and have access to all of North America and beyond.  Hoping to see all of you at some point throughout this exciting technical meetings season!