Wednesday, February 15, 2023

SAE Speaker Series: "Aeroacoustics Problems and Modelling Challenges in Electric Vehicles"

On March 13th, 2023 @ 6:00 pm PST, SAE BC will host Dipali Ghodake. She will present her topic "Aeroacoustics Problems and Modelling Challenges in Electric Vehicles". This event will be available online via Webex for free. Sign-up now at


The presentation introduces a brief history of noise generation by Lighthill acoustics analogy and its extension. Different solver approach such as Navier-Stokes and Lattice Boltzmann method, their modelling challenges are discussed. Then, various flow induced noise sources in electric vehicles and their modelling techniques are showcased with examples. In summary, this presentation gives the overview of problems in the automotive industry and unveils the skills required to become an aeroacoustics expert.