Wednesday, September 13, 2023

SAE BC Speaker Series: "Biomimicry: Sustainable Designs Inspired by Nature"

On Mon, Sep 25th, 2023 @ 6:00 pm PST SAE BC will host Amanda Nummy at the UBC campus in MacLeod room 2002 for her presentation on "Biomimicry: Sustainable Designs Inspired by Nature". Sign-up now at! The event will also be available online via Webex, the Webex link will be emailed to online attendees the day before the event.

Abstract: Nature has been solving problems and refining solutions for 3.8 billion years. Humans can leverage the vast knowledge of nature as a model to design efficient and sustainable products, infrastructure, and processes. This methodology can be useful for students and professionals across a variety of industries. The lecture will cover the following key points:

  • What is biomimicry
  • How and why we can use it
  • The benefits of multi-disciplinary design teams
  • Case studies of biological strategies emulated in biomimetic applications
  • A short brainstorming or scoping activity
  • Several resources and tools to add to your design thinking

Bio: Amanda Nummy is a senior polymer materials engineer with a decade of experience in the automotive industry, specializing in alternative energy and sustainable materials. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Polymer, Textile, and Fiber Engineering from Georgia Tech, a master’s degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Wayne State University, and a master’s degree in Biomimicry through Arizona State University. She works at the Hyundai America Technical Center outside of Ann Arbor, Michigan. In her current role, she is responsible for plant support and new application development of all plastic components in North and South America, and leads several global collaborations for hydrogen fuel cells and electric vehicle development. Previously, she has worked on research and product development for hydrogen fuel cells, biomedical devices, specialty textiles, nanomaterials and quantum computing. She has an interest in alternative energy, sustainability, and the prevention of plastic waste in the oceans.

Directions to the venue are available on Google Maps under this address: Macleod Bldg, 2356 Main Mall. Food and drinks will be provided, admission will be $5 for SAE professionals and students and $10 (payable in cash on the day of the event) for non-SAE professionals and students.